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  • Writer's pictureTarran

Three Weeks on Keto - Is This The End?!

And here we are... day one of the FOURTH week of Keto sees me successfully completing a 3 week keto bingefest. What are the results though and what are my plans for the future?

As I've said before, I have dieted (a lot!) and I know full well the immediacy of quick wins and how they taper off without any forgiveness. Typically I see week two, or maybe a few days later, where the daily weigh in starts to shift from multi 100g losses, to MAYBE 100g over 3 or 4 days...

I started this diet weighing in at 108kg - not my heaviest, but not far off... A few weeks before hand I measured myself and I've been tracking it (irregularly) in a spreadsheet.

Here's some before and after stats.

About 7kg down after 3 weeks, almost under 100kg for the first time in many years... feels pretty good... and pretty motivational...

So that's that really... Keto seems to be suiting me quiet well. I haven't been overly hungry, it's gotten me off diet soft drink, sugar is almost completely gone from my diet (well no deliberate sugar, it's sometimes snuck in there by nasty companies!), and I'm generally feeling pretty happy with how it's all going!

Check back in soon to see what other updates I may have! And wish me luck!

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