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  • Writer's pictureTarran

Stones For Miles

Updated: Mar 29, 2018

It's been a few weeks since I last updated you on my "Keto Journey" but there's been some great milestones hit in that time! I have finally, for the first time in many years, weighed in under 100kg. And that's not just a "oh, 99.9kg, what a win" but I've been under it, and steadily getting lower (97.9kg this morning) for the past week or so [insert cheers and back pats here].

I've still maintained a no-soft-drink rule, even the diet stuff, which I am feel all the better for. I definitely still rely on sparkling water to remove that craving and until someone provides solid scientific evidence that sparkling water is evil, I'll stick to it!

There's been a few craving moments for carbs as the family has gone through some more challenging times of late.

The typical "really bad day, let's get fast food" has come up once or twice, I even went as far as grabbing the car keys to head to drive through!

But thankfully, I saw reason and saved some money by going back to my pre-made meals. Did I regret that decision at the time? Yes... Do I regret it now? No!

So on with the lifestyle changes (I've tried to stop calling it a "diet" - so many negative connotations and understanding looks from people when you tell them. Lifestyle change has a nice ring to it! Also, as someone who has suffered through various food allergies, those that know me tend to not ask questions when I say that "I can't eat that", they usually assume it's an allergy (this especially works at restaurants, "I'm sorry, I can't eat [non-keto food]" is usually met with some level of understanding, unless of course someone thinks you're being a "typical millennial with your weird eating habits".

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It's been a few weeks since my last entry... and no, that's not because I fallen off the horse (that really would hurt though right?). I've been VERY busy, between additional episodes of "Guild of Adv

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