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  • Writer's pictureTarran

More Than A Week

So it's been over a week since I started keto and I should essentially be "cured" of my carb addictions and no longer feeling that peak and trough of energy that comes with the quick release of a carb rich diet... you know what? They're right...

3pm comes around every day, this is usually the time (especially when I was on other diets) that the stomach pangs would occur, the deep seated desire to grab that biscuit juuuuust over there, but not so much this time around. Slightly peckish, but not coming down from a carb high and craving something that, deep down, I know isn't good for me!

All in all, I still need to go to the toilet so many times a day (a lot of water drinking), but I've lost some weight, feeling better about myself, and generally pretty happy with everything so far.

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